Counts of outstanding instructions to wait for.
The bits of this operand have the following meaning:
High Bits Low Bits Description Value Range 15:14 3:0 VM_CNT: vector memory operations count. 0..63 - 6:4 EXP_CNT: export count. 0..7 - 11:8 LGKM_CNT: LDS, GDS, Constant and Message count. 0..15
This operand may be specified as one of the following:
An integer_number or an absolute_expression. The value must be in the range 0..0xFFFF.
A combination of vmcnt, expcnt, lgkmcnt and other values described below.
Syntax Description vmcnt(<N>) A VM_CNT value. N must not exceed the largest VM_CNT value. expcnt(<N>) An EXP_CNT value. N must not exceed the largest EXP_CNT value. lgkmcnt(<N>) An LGKM_CNT value. N must not exceed the largest LGKM_CNT value. vmcnt_sat(<N>) A VM_CNT value computed as min(N, the largest VM_CNT value). expcnt_sat(<N>) An EXP_CNT value computed as min(N, the largest EXP_CNT value). lgkmcnt_sat(<N>) An LGKM_CNT value computed as min(N, the largest LGKM_CNT value).
These values may be specified in any order. Spaces, ampersands and commas may be used as optional separators.
N is either an integer number or an absolute expression.
vm_cnt = 1
exp_cnt = 2
lgkm_cnt = 3
cnt = vm_cnt | (exp_cnt << 4) | (lgkm_cnt << 8)
s_waitcnt cnt
s_waitcnt 1 | (2 << 4) | (3 << 8) // the same as above
s_waitcnt vmcnt(1) expcnt(2) lgkmcnt(3) // the same as above
s_waitcnt vmcnt(vm_cnt) expcnt(exp_cnt) lgkmcnt(lgkm_cnt) // the same as above
s_waitcnt vmcnt(1)
s_waitcnt expcnt(2) lgkmcnt(3)
s_waitcnt vmcnt(1), expcnt(2), lgkmcnt(3)
s_waitcnt vmcnt(1) & lgkmcnt_sat(100) & expcnt(2)