.. ************************************************** * * * Automatically generated file, do not edit! * * * ************************************************** .. _amdgpu_synid10_offset_smem_plain: soffset =========================== An offset added to the base address to get memory address. * If offset is specified as a register, it supplies an unsigned byte offset. * If offset is specified as a 21-bit immediate, it supplies a signed byte offset. .. WARNING:: Assembler currently supports 20-bit unsigned offsets only. Use :ref:`uimm20<amdgpu_synid_uimm20>` instead of :ref:`simm21<amdgpu_synid_simm21>`. *Size:* 1 dword. *Operands:* :ref:`s<amdgpu_synid_s>`, :ref:`vcc<amdgpu_synid_vcc>`, :ref:`ttmp<amdgpu_synid_ttmp>`, :ref:`null<amdgpu_synid_null>`, :ref:`m0<amdgpu_synid_m0>`, :ref:`simm21<amdgpu_synid_simm21>`